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Flowerbed and Shrub Bed Pricing Guide

When it comes to building new flower beds or ripping out and starting new there are several things that factor into pricing.  Plants, Plant Size, Ground Covering, Edging and Compost are to name a few. Of course,other things such as access to work areas and if machinery can be used are factors.


Plants vary drastically depending on their species and if they are grown locally. Species that tend to be imported from other states but still will survive in our growing zone are more expensive. Also, plants that grow slower are more expensive because of the time it takes to get them to a size suitable for retail.

Plant Size

The size of plants plays a roll due to more mature plants costing more. Typically, when a container grown plant is purchased the size of the plant is referred to as gallons.  Other terminology that is used would be measured in inches referring to root ball size. The larger the plant the more it will cost.

Ground Covering

Mulch - The most common ground covering used is mulch. Mulch comes in a variety of different types and colors. The most common is a hardwood mulch. It either comes its natural color or can be dyed. Mulch is very helpful in preventing weeds. However, it does need to be replaced at least once a year to help do so. This not only helps prevent weeds but also enhances your curb appeal.

Stone- Stone, Rock or Gravel are all common words used to describe this product.  It is a lower maintenance material in that it doesn’t need to be replaced. It is commonly used in correlation with low maintenance plants such as ornamental grasses and perennial flowers. However, the initial cost is a lot higher than that of mulch steering people away. There are multiple color and size options for stone. Some imported decorative stones are very appealing but costly.

Bed Edging

Border or edging is common name for the material used around flower or shrub beds. This usually separates the planting area from the lawn. Being from the south our warm season grasses like to creep their way into our planting areas.  Some people opt to have a natural bed edge. This is perfectly fine as long as the transition area is kept up with a mechanical edger routinely. Materials used for borders mostly consists of natural stone,concrete, plastic or metal. Most of your big box stores sell the plastic or metal. This material usually needs to be replaced within 5 years and is cheaper initially than the others. Natural stone can be dry stacked, mortared or adhered together with an adhesive rated for masonry use. Concrete block or paver borders can be installed the same as natural stone. Stone and concrete borders usually last a lifetime if installed correctly.

Topsoil/Compost Blend

Typically, all new plants are installed in a garden mix or compost blend. This can be purchased or blended with bulk supply. It is always good practice to use nutrient rich soil for new plants to thrive in.

Now you are thinking I read all of this and there is nothing about pricing.

Average new installation and landscape renovation prices range in the $10-$15 per sq ft price range.

That is landscape pricing in a nutshell.

Whether you are a home or a business, having an attractive landscape just simply makes your property more inviting. If you have been considering upgrading your green space then contact Pippinger Lawn and Landscape Services for a consultation.

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